Vitalize your faith with biblical insights and practical steps to guide you into who God created and redeemed you to be.
Yes! I’m Ready To Begin!
Join the Beginnings Course and Embrace The Life You Were Created To Enjoy.
Say Goodbye To Spiritual Weariness
The hustle and bustle of the daily grind, coupled with the pressures of the world, can disorient you from God's love and God’s good purposes for your life. This creates a sense of spiritual weariness, making it challenging to navigate the journey of faith with confidence, peace, and joy. Even attending church can feel spiritually unsatisfying - like you’re just going through the motions without clear direction or practical guidance. Aren’t you tired of wandering?
Say Hello To Vibrant, Soul-satisfying Faith
The transformational experience of The Beginnings Course will realign you with the love of God, lift you up into the promises of the Gospel, and strengthen you to be who God created and redeemed you to be.
Grow in Faith, Hope, and Love
Sign up and invite the Lord to draw near to you. Spiritual refreshment and renewal for your life and faith awaits!
Here’s what you’ll learn inside...

You Are God's Beloved
Formation begins with knowing ourselves to be deeply loved by God

Why God Loves You
You are loved by God, not because of your goodness but because of God’s goodness.

Being A Child Of God
You are a son or daughter of God in Christ, dearly loved and fully approved, and God is happy with you.

Your Good and Broken Heart
The good and glorious heart God gave us to love well is now broken.

Disordered Love
We love in broken ways with broken love in a world of broken people.

The Cure
Jesus came to give us a new heart filled with the love of God to love God and one another as God loves us in Christ.

Walking In Love
God reorders the love in our heart through the the death and resurrection of Christ, giving us the ability and desire to forgive as we have been forgiven.

Winning The War
God gives us the power to overcome sin and evil by disbelieving lies and holding fast to the promises of our identity in Christ.
Beginnings provides biblical insights and practical steps to guide you into a deeper experience of God’s love and your identity in Christ.

⦿ Deeply experience the love of God
⦿ Grow in grace
⦿ Embrace God’s delight with you in Christ
⦿ Understand your brokenness and sin
⦿ Align your heart with the things that matter most
⦿ Love others and God loves you in Christ
⦿ Resist temptation and break free from negative patterns
⦿ Enjoy greater peace and fulfillment
This is me - I'm ready
What You Will Receive....
Biblical teaching and practical activities to help integrate your faith into your everyday life so that you can enjoy greater peace and fulfillment in Christ.

Dynamic Video Teachings

Engaging Journal Exercises

Practical Application

Encouraging Readings for Growing Deeper

Spiritual Direction with Matt (optional)

Opportunities to Go Further
Revelo Courses are:
⧁ Accessible - taking complex topics of the faith and making them simple, applicable, and repeatable (Matthew 7:24-25)
⧁ Biblical - rooted in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments (2 Timothy 3:16)
⧁ Comprehensive - gleaning from the best practices of the faith handed down from the apostles through the Church (Jude 1:3)
⧁ Gospel-centered - focused on the promises and benefits of orienting to the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Luke 24:27)
How It Works...
Sign up for the course. Watch the video teaching and complete the journal exercises at your own pace. Most participants commit to one module per week. If you would like to go deeper, click the calendar link and schedule a one-on-one spiritual direction call with Matt Kessler.
Spiritual Direction provides Gospel guidance and relational accompaniment to help you process the material more thoroughly and receive practical encouragement for applying it to your life and circumstances.
“Matt steps into the unspoken places of my heart and leads me into the light of God's grace. He asks perceptive questions, intuits the Spirit's work, and guides with prayer.”
- Benjie
“As I followed Matt’s helpful guidance through scripture reading, journalling, and prayer - my relationship with Christ grew. He took the time to really listen and shepherd me with loving care to aid my spiritual growth.”
- Hunter
“It was during a time of great brokenness and burnout from ministry that I began benefiting from Matt’s leadership. His kindness, generous spirit, and vision for me was healthy and life-giving. Because of his love and guidance, I was picked up, put back together, and restored.”
- Jason
The Beginnings Course Is For You...
This course is ideal for anyone who desires to:
- Grow in deeper relationship with God
- Discover who God created and redeemed you to be
- Deeply experience God’s love, approvable, and delight
- Receive truth and grace in the foundations of the Christian faith
- Apply the Gospel to your everyday experience of the Christian life
- Enjoy greater freedom and peace in Christ
Whether you are a new Christian or have been following Christ for years, this course will help you gain a deeper understanding of your identity and equip you for the fullness of life Christ died and rose again for you to enjoy!
Hey! I’m so glad you found The Beginnings Course. I provide Gospel guidance for spiritual, emotional, and relational health. Through transformational leadership coaching, spiritual direction, marriage care, wilderness adventure, online courses like this - I encourage and equip followers of Christ to thrive in their identity, freedom, and influence.
I have over 28 years of experience in leadership and ordained ministry serving as a pastor, church planter, regional leader, and missionary bishop in the Anglican Communion. I’ve planted two churches, started several non-profits, and taught numerous training workshops. I’m a certified leadership coach, spiritual director, and wilderness survival instructor. I’ve been married to Amanda for 24 years, and we have three children 20, 16, and 14 (and two Australian shepherds).

Are You Ready To Experience
The Beginnings Course?
2 payments of $149
One time payment of $297
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Grow in spiritual, emotional, and relational health.
8622 Crownhill Boulevard, Suite 104 San Antonio, Texas 78209
Revelo is a 501c3 Non-Profit