Grow in spiritual, emotional, and relational health through leadership coaching, spiritual direction, and wilderness adventure.

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I Offer A Free 30 Minute Zoom Or Phone Call
To Connect, Hear Your Needs, and Discuss Solutions


Grow in spiritual, emotional, and relational health through leadership coaching, spiritual direction, and wilderness adventure.

Book A Call

I Offer A Free 30 Minute Zoom Or Phone Call
To Connect, Hear Your Needs, and Discuss Solutions

Revitalize Your Identity, Freedom, & Influence

Past hurts, poor communication, and unmet expectations hinder our relationships. Lack of emotional clarity leaves us vulnerable to feeling overwhelmed. Pressures, busyness, and worldly concerns pull us away from God, leading to spiritual stagnation and depression.

Without guidance, we get stuck and things go downhill. Emotions build up and erupt in harmful ways. Relational conflict escalates out of control. Our spiritual life becomes entangled with unforgiveness, blame, guilt, and shame.

Are you ready to grow in relational connection, emotional peace, and spiritual fulfillment?

I’m here to accompany you. Through transformational leadership coaching, spiritual direction, marriage care, and wilderness adventure - I encourage and equip Christian men, pastors, and ministry leaders to flourish in their spiritual, emotional, and relational health.

Connect and Grow - Book A Call

I Offer A Free 30 Minute Zoom Or Phone Call
To Connect, Hear Your Needs, and Discuss Solutions


Ready to elevate your communication skills and build stronger, more fulfilling relationships? Download Your Free Guide Now

Dive into the art of meaningful communication with our exclusive guide, "Emotionally Healthy Conversations." Discover the four key actions that will revolutionize the way you connect with others, fostering understanding, empathy, and deep connections.

Embrace the journey to more meaningful and impactful conversations today. We Will Not Share Your Email With Anyone.


If you want to grow in your spiritual, emotional, and relational health but don’t know where to start - I provide Gospel guidance to lead you into greater connection with Christ and those you love and lead.


is essential for the development of interior health, organizatinal growth, and long-term impact. Every leader needs clarity, wisdom, and encouragement to flourish in their a unique contribution.


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create space for Gospel friendship, leadership growth, and spiritual renewal in the beauty and solitude of epic places. Rediscover your heart and re-orient your life to what matters most. Three options!


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provides a safe and nurturing environment for couples to grow in understanding, forgiveness, healing, unity, and love. Draw closer. Invest in your most important relationship.


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is an accompanied journey of the soul organized around Scripture, prayer, journaling, and conversation. Connect deeply with God and grow in your identity, freedom, and influence in Christ.


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VIP One-on-One, Staff Team Development, Conference Speaker → LEARN MORE

Meet Matt Kessler

Hey! I’m so glad you found this site. I provide Gospel guidance for spiritual, emotional, and relational health. Through transformational leadership coaching, spiritual direction, marriage care, online courses, and wilderness adventure - I encourage and equip followers of Jesus Christ to thrive in their identity, freedom, and influence.

I have over 28 years of experience in leadership and ordained ministry - serving as a pastor, church planter, regional leader, and missionary bishop in the Anglican Communion. I’ve planted two churches, started several non-profits, and taught numerous training workshops. I’m a certified leadership coach, spiritual director, and wilderness survival instructor. I’ve been married to Amanda for 25 years, and we have three children 20, 16, and 14 (and two Australian shepherds).


Transformational Coaching focuses on who you are uniquely created to be and how you bring the goodness of God to the world. Catalyze your life as “God’s masterpiece created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that you should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).


Discover your God-given identity and enjoy the good purposes you were designed to make.

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Cultivate spiritual, emotional, and relational health to thrive in long-term leadership impact.

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Shepherd people into deeper relationship with Christ and one another - and grow the church.

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VIP One-on-One, Staff Team Development, Conference Speaker → LEARN MORE


Spiritual Direction is a biblical form of Christian soul care dating back to the early church. It is a one-on-one relationship organized around listening, prayer, and conversation directed toward deepening intimacy with God. It is not a program, nor is there a curriculum. Rather it is an accompanied journey of the soul with a commitment to spiritual discovery and transformation in Christ.


An intimate encounter with God by sharing in the life of Jesus, through Scripture and prayer. Grow in interior freedom from sin and disordered desire, so that you can respond more generously to God‘s call in your life. Experience deeper conversion and commitment to serve God with renewed intensity and zeal.


Receive comprehensive sabbatical planning, coaching for you and your sabbatical team, and spiritual direction and soul care to encourage rest and renewal.




Rediscover you heart and re-orient your life to the things that matter most. Each unique trip provides a deeply rewarding and memorable journey that combines leadership growth, spiritual formation, basic survival skills, and refreshment for the soul. 

Click on the adventures below for information and pricing.



Stay in a primitive camp nestled deep in the heart of the Texas Hill Country woods. Learn and practice the four basic survival skills: shelter, water, fire, and food. Enjoy hiking, fishing, air rifles, sling shots, bushcraft, and more.

Every January and/or February in Texas


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Follow the footsteps of mountain men into the high wilderness of Wyoming. Explore remote trails through lush meadows interconnected by rushing streams and pristine lakes teeming with trout. Backpacking, fly fishing, and tent/hammock camping on an unforgettable backcountry experience.

Every July in Wyoming

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Withdraw into a rugged wilderness sanctuary straddling the U.S.-Canadian border with more than 2,000 lakes interconnected by streams, rivers, and portage trails. Paddle, portage, hunt for grouse, fish for walleye and pike, and primitive camp in one of the world’s premier canoeing destination.

Every September in Minnesota


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Vitalize your faith
with biblical insights about who God created and redeemed you to be.


A journey of renewal
through the proven spiritual rhythms of the Christian Faith.


Follow the guidance of Jesus
to forgive as you have been forgiven - for greater freedom and peace.




Marriage Care provides a safe and nurturing environment for couples to grow in understanding, forgiveness, healing, unity, and love. 

This includes the sacred journey of:

† hearing and being heard

† resolving frustrations and conflict

† developing effective patterns of communication

† and working together as a team


Marriage requires a radical commitment to love each other as you are, while at the same time longing for each other to become fully who God created and redeemed you to be.


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What People Are Saying...




“Matt has been instrumental in providing real counsel and direction to help me and my team navigate difficult leadership situations. Matt has the ability to help leaders see through the “circumstantial mess” to the real roots of a problem. Through genuine care and concern, with real leadership acumen, he is able to help leaders alter their perception of a situation, in particular their own gifts and flaws, and to see their true identity in order to maximize their leadership potential and lead from a place of freedom and joy.”

Jordan and Katherine

Marketing Director,  Psychologist


“Matt fostered growth and connection in our relationship, helping us to build a strong foundation for marriage. Matt offers a skill set that is unique from other counselors. His deep knowledge of the biblical foundations of marriage brought us both closer to God as we grew together as a couple. Matt’s allowed space for us to address differences and challenges in a way that felt safe and productive. Most of all, Matt’s authenticity, humor, and genuine care for us as a couple made the time that we spent with him something we looked forward to each week.” 


Director of Training for Explorers Bible Study


“Bishop Matt Kessler profoundly impacted my life and leadership growth trajectory through his corporate teaching, one on one mentoring and leadership and spiritual development courses. He equipped me with formational frameworks and tools to lead myself and provide healthy, servant leadership to others. I regularly review my notes for sharpening, shaping and sharing with others across cultures and around the globe.”


Small Business Owner


“Matt helped me learn how to be a more effective God-centered leader. I grew in an understanding of my strengths, but Matt also effectively shed light on how much I was letting my weaknesses hold me back. With Matt’s help, I learned how to identify the strength and contribution of members of my team and how to augment my team’s overall performance. I’ve greatly grown as a leader.”




“Matt Kessler help me unpack the hidden contents of my heart and reassemble the forgotten pieces of my story. Week after week I discovered my story, how God has been intimately orchestrating my life from the very beginning, molding me inside and out by His grace, to partner with Him in my created role in His story.”




“One of the most formative parts of my sabbatical was the spiritual direction and coaching I had from Matt. Matt’s leadership and shepherding of me through my time away was deeply impactful in helping me reconnect with the Lord, with my wife, and with my own heart. Matt is an extraordinary sabbatical coach and I would insist on any pastor going into a season of rest to entrust their care and guidance to Matt.”




“I so appreciate Matt’s leadership. He helped me process pain from my past and guided me to a deeper healing and knowledge of who I am in Christ. I felt valued!! I gained the confidence to look at myself through the eyes of my God-given identity, and I was inspired to further God’s Kingdom!”




“My time together with Matt has been invaluable. The environment that he creates has been safe and inviting. I have grown in areas that were a blind spot. There has been so much physical and spiritual healing. I am also grateful for his heart for the well-being of my marriage, and now my wife and I are in a great place. I am thankful for his love and support.”  




“I would highly recommend Spiritual Direction with Matt. Beforehand, I felt lost, spiritual asleep, and desperately needing to grow in my relationship with Christ. As I followed Matt’s helpful guidance through scripture reading, journalling, and prayer - my relationship with Christ grew. Matt took the time to really listen and shepherd me with loving care and aid in my spiritual growth.”



Discover the masterpiece God created and redeemed you to be. Embrace your authentic identity.


Cultivate proven skills and practices to grow in spiritual, emotional, and relational health. Empower the change you desire.


Bond deeply with God, self, and those you love and lead. Strengthen your most significant relationships.


Renew your heart, mind, and soul with the love, forgiveness, and healing you need. Move forward to live more fully and free.


Gain insight and encouragement to work through the obstacles holding you back. You don’t have to figure it out on your own.


Align your calling, values, and strengths to thrive in your unique purpose. Make your impact with greater clarity and confidence.

Access the support you need.
You just have to start.


LEADERSHIP COACHING is essential for interior health, organizational growth, and long-term impact.

SPIRITUAL DIRECTION is organized around Scripture, prayer, journaling, and conversation for deeper connection with God.

MARRIAGE CARE provides a safe and nurturing environment for couples to grow in understanding, forgiveness, healing, unity, and love.

WILDERNESS ADVENTURE creates space for Gospel friendship, leadership growth, and spiritual renewal in the beauty and solitude of epic places.

I Offer A Free 30 Minute Zoom Or Phone Call To Connect, Hear Your Needs, and Discuss Solutions


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Grow in spiritual, emotional, and relational health.

8622 Crownhill Boulevard, Suite 104 San Antonio, Texas 78209
Revelo is a 501c3 Non-Profit